Why You Should Be Eating
More Complete Protein

Whether you are a weekend warrior, a stay at home mom (or dad), a CrossFit aficionado, or all three - protein is an essential component to a healthy diet and is crucial to the success of any fitness plan. The general recommendation for healthy adults is about 0.8 grams of protein per pound of your body weight per day, but this varies based on a number of factors including activity level, age, and gender. In order to get the best results, it's important to focus your protein consumption on complete protein sources.

Who gives a cluck about complete protein?

Complete protein is made up of 20 amino acids; 4 non essential amino acids are produced by our body, 8 are considered conditional because they can become essential, and 9 are essential amino acids because our bodies cannot produce these without some help from our diet.

Only foods that have all 20 amino acids can be considered complete protein sources! All animal proteins sources are complete proteins but not all plant proteins are. This makes Wilde Chips the perfect source of complete proteins.

Many popular conventional protein powders and bars are produced with fillers and cheap amino acids: these do not help you recover or build muscle after a workout. Stay clear of products that list “ a Proprietary Amino Acid Blend” without any info on what the blend is.

4 more reasons to eat more complete proteins

1. Increased muscle mass and strength

Protein is the building block of your muscles. Consuming foods with essential amino acids after a workout triggers your body to start muscle protein synthesis, the muscle building process.

2. Reduced Cravings

Protein keeps you fuller longer by reducing your level of the hunger hormone ghrelin.

3. Boosts Metabolism

Eating more protein increases your metabolism due to its higher thermic effect. This means your body has to work harder to digest your food and burns more calories in the process.

4. Recover Faster

Protein is essential for sustaining energy, muscle building, and repairing muscle tissues during and after exercise.